How To Cure Herpes 2012 : Causes And Prevention Of Painful Urination In Women
How To Cure Herpes 2012 : Causes And Prevention Of Painful Urination In Women - Causes And Prevention Of Painful Urination In WomenPainful urination in women is a condition when a burning and painful sensation occurs during urination. It is a sign of an infection in the urinary tract also called bladder infection. Vaginal infection or irritation in vagina can also be the cause discomfort, pain or burning sensation while passing urine. The pain can be experienced in the area where the urine passes out of the body, in the bladder or behind the pubic bone in the body. This is quite a common problem and is also termed as dysuria. Causes - Painful urination in women is usually caused by an inflammation or an infection in the urinary tract and can be due to the following reasons: 1. Urinary Tract Infection: An infection in the urinary tract mostly involves the l ... [Read More - How To Cure Herpes 2012]
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